WSJD 100.5

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Wabash County Commissioner Meeting

October 16, 2023




  1)  Call to order:


  2)  Approve minutes of previous meeting:


  3)  Commissioner’s reports:


  4)  Officer’s reports:


  5)  Old Business:

        a. ARPA Ordinance.

        b. Construction of County Highway Building.

        c. HVAC survey in the Courthouse.

              d. Drone information from the Sheriff’s Department.

              e. Air Evac renewal.

              f. Property/Casualty/Liability & Work Comp Renewal.


       6)  New Business:

              a. Pam Barbee with Southern 14 Workforce to attend the meeting.

              b. Mike Witters and Scott Witsman bringing the deed for the WAVE Property for                                  signatures.

              c. Review the FY2024 Projections for Expenses & Funding for Probation Services.


  7)  Executive Session:

        a. Purchase or Sale of Property discussion.


        8)  Correspondence:


  9)  Approval for payment of claims presented:


10)  Adjournment:


This agenda is subject to change prior to the time of the meeting if necessary.

The meeting will be held upstairs in the Courtroom.