Three IECC Trustees Expected To Seek Re-Election
At their regular meeting held Tuesday, September 20, 2022, on the campus of Lincoln Trail College, Trustees approved the schedule of dates for the Trustee Election to be held April 4, 2023. The terms of Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, and Roger Browning expire in 2023. All three trustees holding office are expected to seek reelection. Sheryl Childers was appointed Election Official, and Nickie Daniel Assistant Election Official.
The Board appointed Alex Cline as Ethics Officer, following the retirement of Board Secretary Renee Smith.
As a part of IECC’s commitment to provide a safe and crime free college environment, and in accordance with the Campus Security Enhancement Act of 2008, the Board approved the Violence Prevention Plan and Emergency Response Plans for each college. These plans outline violence prevention strategies and outlines the protocol for response should a violent act occur. Trustees also approved revisions to the Threat Assessment and Violence Prevention policy.
The Security Report was approved and is an annual report that meets requirements under The Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. The report contains crime information for the past three years, relevant policy statements, and training and educational programming related to campus safety and security, crime prevention, alcohol and drug use, and sexual misconduct.
Trustees agreed to provide the City of Robinson with a letter of support as they seek to extend the termination dates of the West Robinson Industrial Tax Increment District and the Downtown Robinson TIF District.
A new policy detailing IECC graduation requirements was adopted, and the removal of temporary Covid-19 revisions were approved for Vacation and Leave & Benefit policies.
Trustees approved a bid from Homes by Schuetz for installation of a new student sidewalk at Olney Central College at a cost of $42,350 inclusive of 2 alternates. A bid from Bobcat of Effingham for a mini excavator at Frontier Community College at a cost of $52,350 was approved. A bid from Steve Faulkner’s Chevrolet, Buick & GMC for pick-up trucks at Olney Central and Wabash Valley colleges at a cost of $80, 940 was approved.
An Affiliation Agreement was approved with The Rehabilitation Institute of St. Louis, LLC.
The Board approved the employment of Elaine Hasty, Spanish Instructor, IECC, effective September 26, 2022, Morris Nead, Project Director, Title III, FCC, effective September 26, 2022, Brittany Biddle, Retention Coordinator, WVC, effective September 26, 2022, Dennis Stroughmatt, Music & Theatre Specialist, WVC, effective September 26, 2022, Shanna Bradford, Data Analyst, DO, effective September 26, 2022, Brian Stevens, Groundskeeper, OCC, effective September 26, 2022, Hunter Meritt, TRIO Upward Bound Counselor, DO/LTC, effective September 26, 2022, Megan Hildebrand, TRIO Upward Bound Counselor, DO/OCC, effective September 26, 2022. The Board gave administration approval to hire a Head Baseball Coach, FCC prior to the October 18, 2022 Board of Trustee meeting.
Resignations were accepted from Logan Marshall, Industrial Maintenance Instructor, OCC, effective December 31, 2022, Whitney McCullough, TRIO Upward Bound Counselor, DO, effective August 22, 2022.
Next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 6:15 p.m. at Olney Central College, Olney, Illinois.