Little Miss Ag Days Contestants July 21, 2022 Chandler Madden Little Miss Ag Days will be crowned on Wednesday, August 3rd. Camilla Hollen Parents are Matt & Jamie HollenEntering Kindergarten at MCESSiblings are 2 brothers Christopher and BoPets include 1 bloodhound named CopperHobbies consist of playing with toys, playing with cousins, gymnastics, and swimmingSponsored by her parents Catherine Johnson Parents are James & Samantha JohnsonEntering First Grade at ACASiblings are brothers Braxton and Benjamin, and sisters Lucy and MadilynPets include 2 dogs Buster and Rubble and 2 rabbits Brownie and BunBunHobbies consist of riding bikes, swimming, playing with baby dolls, and helping with house cleaningSponsored by her parents Cybill Rye Parents are Vern & Stephanie RyeEntering First Grade at MCESPets include 3 dogs Figi, Patch, Vita; and 3 cats Saffron, Willy, EfrenHobbies consist of singing dancing, reading, and making up plays and storiesSponsored by Mount Carmel Massage Therapy Emersyn LitherlandParents are Nic & Ashley LitherlandEntering First Grade at MCESSiblings are 1 brother OliverPets include 1 dog named PinkiHobbies consist of going to the beach, playing with barbies, coloring, and playing with her brotherSponsored by her parents Lexi Holder Parents are Billy & Cheyenne HolderEntering First Grade at MCESSiblings are brothers Trenton and Bryce and sister KayleePets include Chase, Lacy, Charlie, and EllieHobbies consist of bowling, Jojo Siwa, and swimmingSponsored by her parents Madelyn Maidlow Parents are Nick & Laura MaidlowEntering Kindergarten at MCESSiblings are brother Jacob and sister Kirsten Ker-s-tenHobbies consist of playing with barbies, coloring, and swimmingSponsored by her parents Milliana Stoner Grandmother is Wanda GarrettEntering First Grade at MCESSiblings are 1 sister Mayalisha My-A-Lis-AHobbies consist of painting rocks, singing, and playing outsideSponsored by Watler Accounting Inc. Paityn Iglehart Parents are Patrick & Dee Iglehart Entering First Grade HomeschooledSiblings are 1 sister PaxleePets include 2 cats Spazz and Baby BlueHobbies consist of fishing with my dad, riding her motorcycle, and swimming with her sisterSponsored by Miller Testing Services Tayah Lynn Berberich Parents are Caleb Gawthorp & Stacey BerberichEntering Kindergarten at MCES Siblings are 2 brother Tucker and TreysonHobbies consist of singing and playing guitar, painting, swimming, playing with her brothers, and practicing becoming a police officerSponsored by Health Insurance Associates, Mt. Carmel Temperance Wagner Parents are Mark Wagner II & Nichole GroffEntering First Grade at MCES Siblings are sister Harlie and bother XanderPets include 2 dogs Payton and HutchHobbies consist of playing outside at Mimi’s, play uno, and going to the poolSponsored by Main Street Auto Repair and Body This is Lexi Kimmel the 2021 Little Miss Ag Days winner! Lexi was born to wear a Crown and to lead a pack of glam girls across the red carpet on the stage or down the streets of every Parade in town. Over the past year she has been seen hitting the streets of Mt. Carmel in the Christmas Parade, Homecoming Parade, and Fantastic 4th of July Parade.Lexi will be in 2nd grade this year at St. Mary's School. For fun she likes to play softball and swim. Her family has welcomed a baby sister, Miley, into their family and we just know in 5 years she will be Little Miss Ag Days royalty too. Lexi is the daughter of Art & Crystal Kimmel and also has a big sister Carly.