WSJD 100.5

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Health Board Approves $566,000 Renovation Of WCHD

The Wabash County Board of Health has voted unanimously to embark on a renovation of their West 7th Street headquarters. Meeting in their regular bi-monthly session Thursday, the board approved administrator Judy Wissel’s presentation to spend over a half million dollars to upgrade their cramped offices. Architect Jason Wright of A-D-G developed the preliminary design according to Wissel….

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Wissel said the $566,000 will mostly, if not all, come from grants the health department has accumulated. She said the health department currently has been able to set aside $494,281 in grant monies with a state grant pending that potentially makes up the difference. The decision to renovate the 130 West 7th Street facility comes after county commissioners shot down preliminary discussions for the health department to move to the former WAVE building on West 3rd Street. Commissioners pulled a previous commitment to assist the health department financially in finding larger accommodations. Since none of the $566,000 of the renovation project is coming from the county, approval of the county board isn’t necessary to move forward.