WSJD 100.5

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Wabash County Board Of Commissioners Agenda


Monday, May 16, 2022


1) Call to order:

2) Approve minutes of previous meeting:

3) Commissioner’s reports:

4) Officer’s reports:

5) Old Business:

a. Survey of property resulting from the Management and Maintenance Services Agreement with the Wabash County Animal Shelter Buddies, Inc.

b. Easement to the Animal Shelter Buddies.

6) New Business:

a. Solar Farm Ordinance.

b. Resolutions setting salaries for Officers being elected in 2022 as well as the Circuit Clerk.

c. Alex Snedeker to present information on the HOPE Trust program.

7) Executive Session:

8) Correspondence:

9) Approval of payment of claims presented:

10) Adjournment:

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