WSJD 100.5

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Mt. Carmel City Council Agenda




Monday May 16, 2022 at 5:00 pm

· Call to Order

o Pledge of Allegiance

o Roll Call

· Approve Minutes

o Minutes of meeting held 5/2/2022

· Visitors (topic discussed by visitor(s) is limited to 5 minutes)

o VFW-Approval for fund-raising on public streets

o Michael Stinson-Pride Event Organization

· Reports and Communications

o Mayor Judge

o Commissioner Meeks Streets, Cemeteries and Parks

o Commissioner Ikemire Finance and Senior Citizens

o Commissioner Dulgar Water and Sewer

o Commissioner Zimmerman Fire, Health & Safety, City Hall and Garbage

· Staff Reports

o Ryan Turner Brady Waldrop

o Michael McWilliams Francis Speth Mike Gidcumb

New Business

o Consent Agenda

o Removal of items from the Consent Agenda

o Consideration of Consent Agenda

§ Pay all bills bearing proper signature

§ Approval of Resolution 688

§ Ordinance 2075-No Parking Zones

§ River Lot Leases

§ Lease agreement between the City and Masonic Lodge

o Consideration of items removed from the Consent Agenda

· Executive Session

· Motion to Adjourn