MCHS Summer School Information
Chris Taylor
APR 26, 2022
2022 MCHS Summer School Information
May 31st - June 30th (NO CLASS Monday, May 30th - MEMORIAL DAY)
Monday - Thursday
MCHS: 8:00 - 11:55
All instruction will be provided in person. There will be no remote instruction. Chromebooks will stay in classrooms and will NOT go home with students.
Breakfast & Lunch
Breakfast and lunch will NOT be provided
A take-home lunch (from the Lunch Wagon) will be optional for MCES students
Transportation - DUE FRIDAY, MAY 13TH
Wabash CUSD #348 Buses will run
Students who wish to ride the bus MUST notify their building principal by Friday, May 13th.
Bus pickup will begin at roughly 7:10 am
Bus dropoff will conclude at roughly 12:45
Scheduling & Courses
Students must schedule classes with MCHS/MCJHS Guidance Counselor, Mr. Taylor. If you have any questions about what classes your student should take, please call the main office at 618-262-5104.
Students may take one of the following courses for a semester credit (these are classes a student has not yet attempted):
Government, Wood Workshop, Adobe Photoshop, Driver Education
Students may take up to three of the following courses as credit recovery (classes that have already been attempted and failed) :
Math, English, Science, American History
Daily Schedule
Mt. Carmel High School
Credit Recovery Classes (Classes previously attempted but failed)
Algebra 1, Algebra 1A, Algebra 1B, Algebra 2, Algebra 2A, Informal Geometry, Geometry, English 1, English 2, English 3, Earth Science, Biology, and American History
1st Period - 8:00-9:15
2nd Period - 9:20-10:35
3rd Period - 10:40-11:55
Regular Credit Courses (Classes not yet attempted)
Government, Wood Workshop, Adobe Photoshop, Driver Education
8:00 - 11:55
Driver Education
10:00 - 11:55
Students may NOT have more than 2 unexcused absences. Students who have more than 2 unexcused absences may be removed from summer school and forfeit any credits.
Excused absences must be cleared by the building principal in advance of the absence.
All instruction will be provided in person. There will be no remote instruction. Chromebooks will stay in classrooms and will NOT go home with students.
Transportation - DUE FRIDAY, MAY 13TH
If you will need transportation, you must sign up for the bus in the guidance office with Mr. Taylor by Friday, May 13th. Questions - Please call 618-262-5104