IECC Board Approves Resurfacing WVC Gym
The Illinois Eastern Community College District No. 529 Board of Trustees held its monthly meeting on Tuesday night, April 19th at Frontier Community College, Fairfield, Illinois. All trustees were in attendance, including John Brooks, Roger Browning, Gary Carter, Brenda Culver, Jan Ridgely, Barbara Shimer, Brady Waldrop, and student trustee Raechel Hnetkovsky.
Raechel Hnetkovsky was seated as the student trustee. Ms. Hnetkovsky is a student at Frontier Community College. She thanked the Board for the opportunity to represent the students of the Illinois Eastern District.
Trustees approved a new policy concerning COVID 19 leave and made revisions to the policy that addresses students who repeat courses at IECC.
Affiliation agreements were approved with Robinson Rehab & Nursing, Horizon Health Community Hospital, and Horizon Health at Fox River.
An increase in the truck driving program fee was approved to reflect the current cost of operating a semi-truck. Changes were also approved to the list of specific programs that are assessed a Student Professional Liability Fee.
In other action Tuesday evening, the board awarded a bid to D & R Bennett, Incorporated for resurfacing of the Wabash Valley College gymnasium.
The Board approved employment for Ken Anderson as CETL Instructional Designer for the District Office, effective April 25, 2022; Alexandre Morais as Men & Women’s Soccer Coach at LTC, effective June 1, 2022; James Glash as Head Men’s Basketball Coach at OCC, effective April 25, 2022; Curtis Miller as College Admission Representative located at OCC, effective May 11, 2022; Jandi Cravens as Office Assistant at LTC, effective April 25, 2022; Billy Fornwalt as Truck Driving Instructor for WVC, effective May 16, 2022.
The Board accepted resignations from Sheri Gray as Director of Instructional Services at OCC, effective August 1, 2022; Taylor Held as TRIO Upward Bound Counselor located at OCC, effective April 5, 2022; Amy Hohlbaugh as Student Services Specialist located at FCC, effective May 13, 2022; Lucas Harms as Custodian at WVC, effective March 29, 2022; Terry Chrtt as Information Systems Technician at FCC, effective May 14, 2022.
The Board accepted a retirement from Sandra Craig as Director of the Learning Resource Center at WVC, effective August 1, 2022.
Next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at 6:15 p.m. at Lincoln Trail College, Robinson.