Holiday Season Arrives This Weekend In Mt. Carmel
The Christmas season officially arrives tonight in Mt. Carmel kicking off a full weekend of holiday festivities.
The Christmas Uptown festival will run from 4 to 9 this evening as Market Street will be filled with a variety of Christmas activities and of course lots of great food choices.
Then tomorrow, the Wabash County Chamber of Commerce’s 56th annual lighted Christmas parade will step off from 3rd and Market Streets. The theme of this year’s parade is “Christmas Characters”.
The Wabash County Retail Merchants Committee is hosting “Pups With Santa” between 1 and 3pm in Merchants Park. You can bring your pets up for a photo with St. Nick as donations will be used for a new Santa House.
Two big musical events are also part of the festive weekend. The Mt. Carmel High School music department’s annual madrigal dinner is tomorrow and Sunday nights at 6pm at the Community Church of God. The madrigal will feature a pork loin dinner plus holiday performances from MCHS students. A few tickets remain by going to the District #348 website.
Then Sunday, local singers will present a Christmas Cantata, “Child of Peace” at 1:30 at Wabash Valley College. Tickets are $6 each and patron passes will be honored.