Today's The Day For Reduced Hours And Move For Mt. Carmel's Recycling Center
Mt. Carmel’s recycling center will move back to its’ original location today. City officials repeatedly warned those using the recycling center that putting items not accepted into the recycling bins could caused an adjustment to its’ operation.
Going forward, the recycling center will be open just three days a week on Mondays and Fridays from 7:30 to 3 and Saturday from 9 to 3. The recycling center is moving from Railroad Street where it had once been open 6 days a week to the city dump on Golden Aces Way.
Mayor Joe Judge has said the city was charged close to $1,000 every time Republic rejected the recycling bins because it contained unaccepted materials.
WSD File Photo: The City’s recycling center on Railroad Street is moving today to its’ former location at the City Dump on Golden Aces Way.