IECC Board Adopts $34.3 Million Budget
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community College District No. 529 adopted an operating fund budget of $34,306,650 for fiscal year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, at the regular meeting Tuesday, July 20th at Olney Central College. The budget was adopted following a public hearing. The budget includes $30,240,879 in the Education Fund and $ 4,065,771 in the Operations and Maintenance Fund. These are the two principal operating funds of the IECC district.
Trustees approved the recommendation of the bid committee to accept a bid in the amount of $208,300 from Grunloh Construction for a natatorium remodeling project at Lincoln Trail College.
Board members John Brooks and Jan Ridgely were appointed to the Board audit committee. The committee is charged with oversight of the District’s annual audit.
Affiliation agreements were approved with SSM Health Care Corporation and with Crawford Memorial Hospital.
To maintain compliance with accrediting agencies and to ensure the protection of participants in human subjects research, Trustees adopted a Human Subject Research Policy.
Updates to the 2021-2022 IECC catalog were approved. The catalog is considered a contract with the IECC student. Catalog revisions approved by the Board throughout the year were reviewed and approved for posting to the IECC website and for publication.
IECC must have confidential advisors available to a student or employee who experiences sexual violence, should they choose to seek their services. To meet this requirement, trustees approved agreements with the CAISA organization and with the SAFE organization to provide counseling to those who are victims of sexual violence.
Under Personnel actions the Board approved employment of the following individuals.
Kimberly Wellen as an English Instructor at FCC effective August 10, 2021; Clare Roosevelt as a Nursing Instructor at WVC effective August 10, 2021; Julie Dehart as Health Sciences Specialist in the Medical Laboratory Technician Program Director at FCC effective July 22, 2021; Cassandra Goldman, Program Director of the International Student Program for the District effective July 26, 2021; Cole Carter as Broadcast Services Specialist at WVC effective July 26, 2021; Nickie Daniel as Office Assistant at the District Office effective August 2, 2021; Collyn Jewell as Maintenance Groundskeeper at LTC effective July 22, 2021; Brittany Longbons, Student Services Specialist at FCC effective August 2, 2021.
A change in status was approved for IECC employees. Laurel Taylor, Director of Business & Finance, Workforce Education to Associate Dean, Business &
Industry at FCC effective July 21, 2021; for Tosha Baker from Coordinator, TRIO Upward Bound, DO, to Marketing Business Management Instructor at WVC
effective August 10, 2021; Jonathan Leach from TRIO Upward Bound Counselor for the District to Retention Coordinator at WVC effective August 9, 2021; Brandi
Rich-Beard from Student Services Specialist at OCC to Advisor/Recruiter at OCC effective July 21, 2021.
Resignation ratifications were approved for Dana Hart as Coordinator of Employment & Benefits at the District Office effective July 24, 2021; Rebecca Carmack as Vocal/Instrumental Music Instructor at LTC effective August 1, 2021; for Linda Shidler as Director of Academic Success Center at OCC effective July 22, 2021; and for Tracy Chastain as Maintenance/Custodian at OCC effective July 13, 2021.
The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at Wabash Valley College.