WSJD 100.5

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Struggles To Open City Pool Continue

The struggles to open for the 2021 swimming season at the Mt. Carmel City Pool continue. The city has been actively recruiting lifeguards in order for the pool to open, but Mayor Joe Judge says those efforts were dealt a big setback last weekend when the prospective lifeguards attended training… 

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Judge did say that typically it takes 4 lifeguards to be at the pool on a given day, but that number is now four as the fourth person who watches the slide only needs to be CPR certified. While that change helps the situation, Judge said the city is still in desperate need of lifeguards. Also at Tuesday’s City Council meeting, Judge said an even bigger, darker cloud is hanging over the pool. He said there are serious issues with the pump room with the backwash filter and main circulator… 

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Judge said it could take up to 8 months to get the equipment needed to fix the issues. The city has applied for a grant to upgrade the pool, if successful would pay for the needed repairs in addition to other upgrades. If the grant application fails, Judge said the city is looking at a major capital expense.