WSJD 100.5

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Community Betterment Group Presents Report To City Council

How can Mt. Carmel improve on its’ strengths and perhaps negate some of its’ negatives? Those are a couple of the questions a group of community minded individuals have been tackling for the last two years. The group has dubbed itself, Acme, and presented information to the city council Monday of some of their findings. Acme’s spokesman Tim Raibley said the group looked at a variety of areas…. 

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Raibley said the Acme group came up with a litany of positive aspects in Mt. Carmel starting with the Wabash and White Rivers… 

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Raibley showed the city council a logo the group had designed dubbing Mt. Carmel as a City on the Move. The council took the group’s recommendations under advisement. 

Acme Spokesman Tim Raibley unveils a new city logo to the City Council Monday night.