Allendale Returning To In-Person Learning Monday
From Allendale Superintendent Bob Bowser:
After looking at the numbers over the past week for positive cases in Wabash County, Allendale CCSD 17 will return to In-Person Learning on Monday, August 31st. Our school community has done a fantastic job with full remote learning, but based on the data locally, we are more than ready to get the students back in the building and teach. If a parent feels their child needs to continue with remote learning at this time, please contact the school office and we will send a form to be signed. We will continue with full remote learning through this Friday, but the buses will run Monday morning and we will follow the same procedures as we did the first four days of schools. Please be in contact with your bus driver by Sunday if your child will/won’t be needing transportation. Also, please make sure to have the self-certification filled out for any student riding on the bus. Please keep in mind, if your child has any of the symptoms, do not put them on the bus or send to school. Allendale CCSD 17 wants to keep the building safe for students, faculty, staff, and school community members. Also, parents, please contact the school if your child is displaying symptoms or has been quarantined during full remote learning. We need to be informed in order to keep everyone safe and we do have remote learning to continue your childs’ education.
Let’s have a great rest of the week in full remote learning and look forward to Monday when we get back to in-person learning.