Allendale School Board Notes
At the May 2020 Allendale School Board meeting held in the science room of Allendale School, the board:
Approved the 2019-2020 tentative amended budget which will be on display in the main office for the next 30 days.
Set the date of June 17, 2020 at 6:10 pm for the budget hearing on the amended 2019-2020 budget.
Approved to work with St. Mary’s School to expand the athletic co-op for the next two years.
Approved the dates and time for the 2020-2021 School Board Meetings.
Approved to abate $15,000 from Capital Projects Fund to the Debt Service Fund.
Approved the Superintendent to work with the local Health Department on ideas and scheduling an 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony. Date and Time will be set at a later date.
Approved the resignation of Rich Casburn as Head Boys Basketball Coach and Track Coach effective the end of the 2019-2020 school year.
Approved Mackenzie Thread as Special Education Teacher for 2020-2021, contingent upon obtaining an Illinois Teaching License prior to the school year beginning.
The board was informed that 95% of K-8 students participated in the drive-thru Grade Card/Award Day event Wednesday.