WSJD 100.5

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Students Fill Brubeck Auditorium For Cadaver Surgery

Around 500 area high school students were in Mt. Carmel yesterday for the 7th annual Healthcare Expo and Cadaver Surgery at Wabash Valley College. Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Julko Fullop and surgical staff from Wabash General Hospital performed a knee replacement surgery in the Brubeck Auditorium. Dr. Fullop said yesterday was an important one for students considering a career in the health occupations field….

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Dr. Julko Fullop On Cadaver Day

Wabash General Hospital CEO Karissa Turner said yesterday was a good way to showcase careers at WGH…

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WGH CEO Karissa Turner On Cadaver Day

Some of the schools represented yesterday included Mt. Carmel, Olney, Edwards County, Fairfield, Flora, and Evansville.