WiFi Cafes
The WiFi Cafes continue to be available during full remote learning days.
They are located at the Mt. Carmel Grade School and Mt. Carmel High School. These ‘cafes’ will have accommodations for up to forty students at a time. Students may select from a morning option (9 a.m. - 11 a.m.) or the afternoon option (12 p.m. - 2 p.m.). The Cafes are open for students in grades 3-12. Students that attend the Cafes will have to bring their own school-issued or personal computing devices and any other school work materials. While at the Cafes, the students will be required to follow all student handbook requirements and any other additional building requirements. Students will enter the Jr/Sr. High School at the main entrance and students will enter the Grade School at the gym entrance. Additionally, students will be required to have a temperature check, wear a face covering, and practice social distancing. The Cafes will also provide snacks and water along with lunch.
For WiFi Cafes located at Mount Carmel Jr./Sr.High School and Mount Carmel Grade School please contact Aaron Croft by email: acroft@wabash348.com or phone: (618)-262-5104.
Transportation Is Available:
For those students that need transportation to the Cafes, the District will offer bus transportation to and from the Cafes. Buses will be available for both AM and PM sections. If you need bus transportation, you will need to call 618-262-8539 between the hours of 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Monday through Friday to make arrangements.