WSJD 100.5

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District #348 Goes To Remote Learning Until December 1st

From Superintendent Dr. Chuck Bleyer:

Beginning Monday, November 16th, the District will be in remote learning until December 1st . The need for this transition is directly tied to the increase in faculty, staff, and students that are in isolation or quarantine. Under the remote schedule: 

The schools will be open 8am-2pm. 

The Internet Cafes will be open all week.

If you want a spot or need transportation to the Cafes, please call the school office. 

All wifi spots throughout the county will be activated. 

Free meals may be picked up at the High School and Grade School from 11am-12pm. 

All extracurricular activities will be put on pause until further notice.

Over the weekend, expect more information from school personnel.

If you have any questions, concerns, issues with wifi, or other needs, please call the school office.

The District has been preparing for this scenario for months and is ready to help the community through these difficult times.

Stay Safe and Go Aces!