Heavy Rains To Push Wabash River To Near 26.5 Feet
* Flood Warning for
the Wabash River at Mount Carmel.
* from late Sunday night until further notice.
* At 11:45 AM Thursday the stage was 12.5 feet.
* Flood stage is 19.0 feet.
* Moderate flooding is forecast.
* Forecast...Rise above flood stage by late Sunday night and continue
to rise to near 26.5 feet by Sunday January 19. Additional rises
are possible thereafter.
* At 26.7 feet...Wilson Road, a north-south road in Knox County near
the confluence of the White and Wabash Rivers, is flooded in the
Little Rock area in 2 or 3 places. One location the water is too
deep for vehicles. Extensive agricultural flooding progress in
areas that are not protected by levees. Three Illinois township
roads south of Illinois 1 between Keensburg and Grayville are
flooded for a total of 10 miles. Access to oil fields in the
Keensburg and Grayville are blocked by high water.