WSJD 100.5

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Wabash County Ties For Lowest Jobless Rate In Southern Illinois

Wabash County’s jobless rate is the lowest in southern Illinois according to the latest figures from the state’s department of employment security. In November, Wabash County saw its’ jobless rate drop to 3%, down from 4.6% the previous November and 3.4% in October. Hamilton County also had a 3% unemployment rate in November, tying Wabash for the lowest in southern Illinois.

According to the IDES, non farm employment increased by more than 400 over the last year. Employment gains were also reported in government, educational and health services, and wholesale trade. Slight employment gains were posted in retail trade, transportation, warehousing and utilities, construction, financial activities, and professional and business services.

The highest jobless rate in southern Illinois was in Alexander County at 5.5%.