WSJD 100.5

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Water/Sewer Projects Proposed For City

At this week’s Mt. Carmel City Council meeting, engineer John Acree of Wabash Consulting presented a list of 9 water and sewer projects around the city that need addressed. The biggest project is a line on Cherry Street from 13th to Sarah. According to Acree, the line has had multiple breaks and the fact it’s under a state highway, makes it a high priority and costly section. The estimated cost of the project is nearly $84,000 and approval would be needed from the Illinois EPA and state department of transportation. Water and Sewer Commissioner Justin Dulgar said he had asked for Acree to compile the report….

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Justin Dulgar On Projects List

The total cost of the 9 projects is almost $234,000. Other projects in the report include a sewer line in the alley between 11th and 12th Streets Landes Street intersection sewer; Division Street waterline between 3rd and 5th Streets; Division Street sewer line; Lambert Drive sewer and water line; water line on 2nd Street from Bellmont of Poplar; a waterline on Hydraulic Avenue; and a water line on 10th Street from Walnut to Cedar Street which causes issues for residents at Tower Heights. Acree said a few of the smaller projects could be done by city crews, which would save the city money.