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Wabash County Board Of Commissioners Notes

From Monday’s meeting:

The Wabash County Board of Commissioners meeting has been recessed until Wednesday at 1pm, when it will continue as a negotiating session with city officials at City Hall. The board on Monday voted to extend the current city/county dispatch agreement for six months while negotiations continue.


The County Board Monday approved a special event liquor license for St. Mary’s, for use of the Anderson Building on the 4H grounds for the City Lights dinner and auction. The event will be on March 16.


Judy Wissel, Wabash County Health Department administrator, reports a very successful blood drive was held recently. A record total of 37 pints of blood were donated to the American Red Cross effort. The next blood drive is scheduled for June.


The county is closing Lake Froman until further notice. Commissioner Rob Dean said that is due to the extremely soft ground. No date has been set yet for its reopening.That will depend on the weather.


The county received over 45-thousand dollars ($45,260.31) from the state last month, covering salary reimbursement for December and tax receipts for January. Springfield still owes for salary reimbursement for January ($14,545.25), according to Treasurer Beverly McBride.


Sheriff Derek Morgan issued his office’s monthly report on Monday. Deputies issued 40 warrants and 41summons in January, worked 22 crashes and handled a total of 222 incidents.


Circuit Clerk Angie Crum told county commissioners on Monday that her office collected $36,881.24) in fines and fees in January.


Almost all of the tax money due Wabash County – 99 percent actually – has been collected, according to Treasurer Beverly McBride. She told the county board on Monday that there are still 178 parcels and 132-thousand dollars still unpaid for. McBride said the annual tax sale is slated for February 15th in the courtroom at the courthouse.


Wabash EMA chief Gerald Brooks told county commissioners this week that there is a meeting coming up soon between local emergency planners, the Ministerial Alliance, and others to develop a policy and plan for heating and cooling centers that could be put in place during times of extreme weather.