Springfield, IL – Illinois State Police (ISP) Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) Zone 4 Commander Don Payton announces the results of two Electronic Cigarette/Vaping and Tobacco Countermeasure Enforcement surveillance details conducted at 73 establishments in Sangamon County within the last 30 days. The details were held in response to complaints and to determine businesses that may be selling electronic cigarette/vaping and tobacco products to minors (persons under 21 years of age). The goal of the details was to enforce underage electronic cigarette/vaping and tobacco product sales to minors. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, electronic cigarettes are unsafe for kids, teens, and young adults, and most contain nicotine. The brain continues to develop until about the age of 25. Adolescence nicotine use can harm the parts of the brain that control attention, learning, mood, and impulse control and may also increase the risk for future addiction to other drugs. Effective July 1, 2019, persons must be at least 21 years old to purchase tobacco products in Illinois.
The details were conducted by having a minor enter a business and request an electronic cigarette or tobacco product. If requested, the minor presented their underage driver’s license to the employee. The minors were directed to advise the employee of their true age if asked. Of the 73 businesses checked, six employees sold to minors. Below is a list of the six establishments who were found to have sold electronic cigarette/vaping and tobacco product to minors:
Date Business Name / Address / City
10/28/19 Fas Mart (Marathon), 2900 S. Grand Avenue, Springfield
10/28/19 Fas Mart (Marathon), 1645 Wabash Avenue, Jerome
10/28/19 Rocket Stop, 2800 S. MacArthur Bolevard, Springfield
10/28/19 Casey’s, 3001 Ridge Street, Springfield
11/05/19 Wal-Mart Super Center, 1100 Lejune Drive, Springfield
11/05/19 All Star Grocery, 806 E. Black Street, Springfield
The employees found to be in violation were notified and released pending a future court appearance. The ISP commends the following establishments and their employees who do not sell Electronic Cigarette/Vaping and Tobacco products to minors.
Below is a list of the Springfield area establishments checked on 10/28/19 that did not sell to minors:
1. Casey’s #3415 721 W. Stanford
2. Ayerco (Phillips 66) 430 E. Stanford
3. Walgreens 945 S. 6th
4. Fas Mart (Marathon) 3801 6th
5. Qik-N-EZ 1230 Toronto
6. Five Star Liquors 1249 Toronto
7. Circle K (Shell) 1201 Toronto
8. Road Ranger 500 Toronto Rd
9. Jiffi Stop (Shell) 3062 Stevenson
10. Circle K 2901 Stevenson
11. Circle K 2700 Stevenson
12. Walgreens #01770 2625 Stevenson
13. Huck’s Food and Fuel 2801 Lindbergh
14. Thornton’s 3001 Wabash
15. Jiffi Stop (Shell) 1801 Wabash
16. Shell (Supermart) 901 E. Cook
17. Express Mart 600 N. 9th
18. Thornton’s 2208 N. Peoria
19. Qik-N-EZ 2800 N. Peoria
20. Casey’s 3961 N. Peoria
21. Freedom Gas 3975 N. Dirksen
22. Murphy USA 2740 N. Dirksen
23. BP Circle K 2201 N. Dirksen
24. Shell 2121 N. Dirksen
25. Marathon Circle K 2120 N. Dirksen
26. Jiffistop 3300 Clearlake
27. Circle K 3261 Clearlake
28. Casey’s 3001 Clearlake
29. Qik-N-EZ 430 N. Grand
30. Express Food Mart #2 1151 N MacArthur
31. Casey’s 1133 W. Jefferson
32. Wine & Spirits West 1841 W. Jefferson
33. Gas & Wash 1700 S. Jefferson
The following is a list of the Springfield area establishments checked on 11/05/19 that did not sell to minors:
1. Moto Mart 610 S. Grand
2. Walgreens #05137 1310 S. 5th
3. Jiffi Stop (Shell) 436 S. Grand
4. Food Mart (Marathon) 817 S. Dirksen
5. AT & W Grocery 2191 Stevenson
6. Thornton Oil 3005 S. 6th
7. Discount Tobacco 1 1701 Wabash
8. Qik-N- EZ 4401 W. Wabash
9. Wal-Mart 3401 Freedom
10. Mobil 1940 S. MacArthur
11. Rocket Stop 2800 S. MacArthur
12. Tobacco Direct 2205 Stevenson Drive
13. DTI’s eCig City 2305 S. MacArthur
14. Hometown Pantry 201 W. South Grand
15. Rafeeq’s 100 W. Ash
16. Huck’s Food and Fuel 2801 Lindbergh
17. Walgreens #02492 3216 E. Clear Lake
18. Road Ranger 3752 Camp Butler
19. Discount Tobacco 19 1726 E. Sangamon
20. Wal-Mart 2670 N. Dirksen
21. Tribble Vapors 2404 Denver
22. Jamal’s Food &Liquor 2252 N. Grand
23. Mobil 1801 N. Grand
24. Tobacco Direct 2528 N. Grand
25. Walgreens #03501 2140 N. Peoria
26. Express Food Mart 600 N. 9th
27. Walgreens #09145 1900 W. Jefferson
28. Mobil 1901 W. Jefferson
29. Jiffi Stop (Shell) 2770 W. Washington
30. Walgreens #12427 2305 W. Monroe
31. Qik-N- EZ 1995 W. Monroe
32. Circle K (Marathon) 2641 W. Monroe
33. Handy Pantry 120 W. Cook
34. Upper Limits Midwest 1205 S. 2nd
The public is reminded that all persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law