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Fleming Announces Run for Senate

Jeff Fleming, Olney attorney, has announced he is running for the 55th Senatorial District seat currently held by Dale Righter.  Righter is not seeking re-election.

Fleming is originally from Wayne County and is a graduate of Fairfield Community High School.  He attended University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana where he received a BS in Accountancy and became a Certified Public Accountant.  He attended University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana College of Law where he received his Juris Doctor and began practicing law in 1971.  Fleming moved to Olney in 1974, where he is continuing as a practicing attorney.

In addition to his law practice, he is engaged in professional speaking and is a member of the National Speakers Association. Also, he is a life member of the NRA, a member of the Illinois State Rifle Association and is a Co-Chair of the Southeastern Illinois Friends of NRA.

Jeff is a member of the St Paul United Methodist Church in Olney, where he serves as its Lay Leader.  Quite often, Jeff is a guest speaker at several churches in Richland County and the surrounding area.

Fleming is Pro-God, Pro-Gun and Pro-Life, and has experience in county government by serving for 36 years on the Richland County TB Care & Treatment Board and as a township trustee for Olney Township.

Fleming believes his experience in law and accounting, along with his professional speaking skills would be valuable for serving in the Illinois Senate.  He is concerned that Illinois citizens and businesses are leaving the State because of high taxes and over regulation.  Illinois state spending is out of control and he would like to bring fresh ideas to the state legislature to benefit the people of the 55th Senatorial District.