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IECC Board Approves New Video Board For WVC's Spencer Sports Center

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges District No. 529 met Tuesday night, October 15th at Wabash Valley College, Mt. Carmel, Illinois and certified the district’s tentative levies for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020.

A resolution was adopted to provide for a public hearing on the district’s estimated tax levy, to be certified in 2019 and payable in 2020. The hearing will be at Frontier Community College, Fairfield, Tuesday, November 19, at 7 p.m. The estimated tax levy is $5,067,000, plus an extension for bond and interest payments of $2,188,350, for a total of $7,255,350.

The Board approved a bid received from ScoreVision for a Gymnasium Video Board at Wabash Valley College.

The college district’s annual financial report for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2019 was approved to be filed with the Illinois Community College Board.

An articulation agreement was approved with Franklin University. The agreement will assist in the seamless transition for IECC graduates seeking a baccalaureate degree.

A transfer of District property near Olney Central College was approved.

The Board approved a project management agreement for construction of a solar array at Lincoln Trail College. The structure is projected to include approximately 2,100 panels capable of producing 45% of the current power consumption of the college.

An affiliation agreement was approved by the Board with Market Street Medical for Medical Office Careers programs at Olney Central College.

An existing athletic training services contract for WVC was approved for renewal with Wabash General Hospital for an additional one-year period to cover athletic training services for the college for the academic year 2019-2020.

Trustees approved an agreement with Wabash Area Development Head Start for WVC’s Small World Day Care Center. The intent of the partnership is to provide early intervention and smooth the transition into the school.

Approval for a resolution to accept results of the annual financial audit conducted for the year ending June 30, 2019 was given. The required report will now be forwarded to the Illinois Community College Board.

A change in status was approved for Lauren Salesberry from Administrative Assistant, Human Resources at the District Office to Administrative Assistant to the President at OCC, effective November 4, 2019.

Employment was approved for Amy Dulaney as Director of Transition Center and Perkins at the District Office, effective October 16, 2019; for Morgan Henton, Drone Technology Specialist, Title III at OCC, effective October 28, 2019; for Tabatha Niduaza as Director of the

WVC Learning Skill Center, effective November 1, 2019; for Evan Semple as Coordinator of Industrial Training at LTC, effective October 16, 2019; and for Heather Gerch as Office Assistant at FCC, effective October 16, 2019.

The Board ratified the resignations of Luke Harl, Program Director of Grants and

Compliance at the District Office, effective October 8, 2019 and Meghan Lynch, TRIO/Upward Bound Counselor at the District Office, effective November 8, 2019.

The Board ratified the retirement of Dan Leggitt, Groundskeeper at LTC, effective January 1, 2020.

Next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at Frontier Community College, Fairfield, on Tuesday, November 19th, at 7:00 p.m.