WSJD 100.5

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Two Lawrence County Teens Seriously Injured After Swerving At Each Other Goes Wrong

The Following Preliminary Information is Being Released by Illinois State Police District 12
WHAT:                    Personal Injury Crash
WHERE:                  Christy Ave. approximately 0.5 miles south of Sumner, IL.    Lawrence County

WHEN:                    07/13/2018  5:47 p.m.       
VEHICLES:             UNIT 1 Blue 2004 Chevrolet pickup IL Reg: 1901949B (Injury)

UNIT 2 Silver 2002 GMC pickup IL Reg: 1851383B (Injury)
DRIVER:                  UNIT 1- (INJURY/TRANSPORT) 17 y/o male Sumner, IL

UNIT 2- (INJURY/TRANSPORT) 17 y/o male, Lawrenceville, IL

PASSENGERS:        None

CHARGES:              No charges
TRANSPORTS:       UNIT 1- Driver (INJURY/TRANSPORT) 17 y/o male Sumner, IL
UNIT 2- Driver (INJURY/TRANSPORT) 17y/o male, Lawrenceville, IL
PRELIMINARY:       A preliminary investigation revealed that Unit 1 was Southbound on Christy Ave. 0.5 miles south of Sumner, in Lawrence County.  Unit 2 was Northbound at the same location.  According to the driver of Unit 2, both drivers were acquaintances and jokingly swerved at each other.  As the vehicles met, Unit 1 struck Unit 2 in the driver's side door forcing it off the roadway and into the East ditch.  Both vehicles then caught on fire and quickly became fully engulfed.  Passers by were able to remove both drivers from their vehicles.  The driver of Unit 1 was flown from the scene, via helicopter, to Deaconess Hospital in Evansville, IN.  The driver of Unit 2 was transported via ambulance to Good Samaritan Hospital in Vincennes, IN and was later transferred to Deaconess Hospital. 

The driver of Unit 1 sustained a fractured jaw, fractured tibia, facial lacerations and a severe concussion.  The driver of Unit 2 sustained a fractured leg and lacerations to both legs.