Plan Unveiled To Preserve Historic Cherry Street
A Cherry Street resident presented the Mt. Carmel City Council last night with a plan that could preserve the historic brick street for years to come.
J. Dee, who lives in the 600 block of Cherry Street, said he has met with street superintendent David Easter and local landscaper Tim Wiser about options that would keep the bricks along Cherry while making it a more drivable surface for motorists. Over the years, Cherry Street has become fraught with dips, holes, and very uneven surface. The city has said major repairs to the street would be too costly for them to undertake.
Last night, Dee proposed an adopt a spot type of campaign in which donations would be sought to rehabilitate a section of the street. Dee pledged the first $2,000 to the project and said he would help to solicit donations from others in the community. The initial plan calls for digging up the bad sections of the street, pouring concrete to fill the base, and then placing bricks to smooth the surface. The council applauded Dee’s initiative and pledged the city’s resources to help.