WSJD 100.5

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Hudson & Madden Draw Top Ballot Spots For April Election

The ballot is now set for the April 2nd city election in Mt. Carmel. Two drawings were held this morning to determine the order candidates appear on the ballot  among those in line when the filing period opened on December 10th. In the race for mayor, Bill Hudson will be listed first ahead of challenger Joe Judge. For commissioner, Chandler Madden’s name will be listed at the top of the ballot while Donald Kensell will be listed second followed by Eric Ikemire. The other candidates were placed on the ballot in the order they filed nominating petitions. City Clerk Rudy Witsman oversaw the drawing as City Hall employee Judy Landingham drew the ballot positions this morning.

City Clerk Rudy Witsman holds the basket as City Hall employee Judy Landingham draws Bill Hudson’s number to be first on the ballot in the April 2nd election. Joe Judge will be listed second on the ballot for mayor.