Filing Period Opens For April 2nd Election
There were a flurry of filings during yesterday’s first day that candidates could file to run in next April’s election.
For Mt. Carmel Mayor, incumbent Bill Hudson and finance commissioner Joe Judge were both at city hall when filing opened at 8am.
Those filing at 8am for city commissioner were Eric Ikemire, Chandler Madden, and Donald Kensell. A lottery will be held among those filing at 8am to determine placement on the ballot. Others filing later in the day for city commissioner were Rod Rodriguez, Justin Dulgar, Thomas Meeks, and Jaleigh Lashbrook.
Filing also opened yesterday for school boards in Wabash County. Incumbents Ryan Peter and Neil Earnest filed for re-election to the District 3-48 school board while Gary Buchanan filed for reelection to the Allendale School Board.
The filing period continues through next Monday for the April 2nd election.