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Gibson County Fair Board Elects New Officers

Stockholders of the Gibson County Horticultural & Agricultural Society met October 2, 2018 and elected the following members to the Gibson County

Fair Board: President William "Bill" Hunt, Vice President Rebecca Iunghuhn

 Treasurer Sharon Schmits, Secretary Crystal Schillinger.


2019 Directors Elected Alan Douglas, Lee Binhack, Cody Schillinger, Jeff Catt,

Returning to the board Larry Rexing, Bobby Schmits, Darrel Rexing, John Feutz,

Kevin Paul, Derek Kolb, Jeff Clark, Mark Turner, Denny Hadley, Sam Turner.


Non Voting Lifetime Members

“Big" Bob Schmits, Jim Feutz, Nick Michas


Outgoing board members were thanked for their service, sitting off the board this year due to term limits, Dave Kunkel, Matt Kolb, Suzy Ernst and Charlie Woodruff.


If you are interested in becoming involved in the Gibson County Fair Board we are currently taking applications for 2019 Associates Fair Board Members. Please contact a fair board member or

Stop by the fair office for an application.