Wabash County Jobless Rate Dips In September
After increasing slightly in August, the September jobless rate in Wabash County once again dipped below the 4.5% level. According to the latest figures from the state’s department of employment security, Wabash County’s jobless rate stood at 4.2% last month, down from the 4.8% August level and the 4.4% mark in September of last year. The IDES reported that area employers continued to show demand in Public Administration, Finance and Insurance, and Retail last month while decreased hiring demand occurred in Health Care and Social Assistance. Top occupations for hire included Truck Drivers, Registered Nurses, and Customer Service Representatives in September. Southern Illinois’ lowest jobless rate was in Hamilton and Randolph Counties at 3.7% while the highest was mark of 6.6% was in Johnson and Hardin Counties.